All things wellness

Male Pellets $649
Female Pellets $249
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) offers a natural, effective solution to restore your vitality and well-being. Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to the hormones your body produces, so they work seamlessly with your body to offer a safer and more natural approach to hormone replacement. Hormones play a key role in disease risk and overall quality of life. Each individual is offered a personalized treatment plan to help them feel good and prevent disease. From initial consultation to ongoing monitoring, we provide expert guidance and support.
The subcutaneous pellets act as a reservoir of hormone, allowing the body to receive a consistent dose throughout the day and night. The pellets gradually absorb until they are completely dissolved, leaving no residue. Typically, a woman will find that pellets will control symptoms for 3-5 months, and a male 6-7 months. Because of the efficient and gradual delivery system of the hormone pellets, side effects are less likely than with oral or injectable hormones, and there is less incidence of issues related to poor absorption, sometimes problematic with hormone creams, gels, or patches.
Testosterone Pellet Therapy
Testosterone is a vital hormone in men and women, eliciting physiologic effects through androgen receptors in body tissues, including breast, heart, blood vessels, intestines, lungs, brain, spinal cord, nerves, bladder, uterus, ovaries, endocrine glands, vaginal tissue, skin, bone, joints, and fatty tissue. Men produce higher circulating levels of testosterone than women; however, testosterone is the most abundant active sex hormone in men and woman throughout lifespan . Testosterone has been considered a “male hormone”, thus largely ignored as an essential hormone in female physiology. This has been unfortunate, since attention has not been given to diminished quality of life and potential health. Production of testosterone peaks in mid 20’s and begins to steadily decline, down to about 50% by age 40 for women and 30 for men. This is when complaints such as increased abdominal fat, hair loss, fatigue, brain fog, loss of sex drive, reduced orgasm, anxiety, irritability, depression, headaches, and general lack of well-being. Most attribute these symptoms to a natural diminishment of vitality with aging. But, recognizing these symptoms are signaling something about our bodies, and giving attention to hormone health can improve our health and quality of life as we age.
Testosterone replacement therapy for symptomatic men and women has the potential to improve mood, libido, orgasm, energy level, and feeling of well-being. In addition, documented health benefits include reduced cardiac risk, reduced breast cancer risk, and improved bone density.
Estradiol Pellet Therapy
Estradiol is the estrogen hormone that makes a woman look female and governs much of reproductive function. This hormone also plays a role in countless bodily functions, as evidenced by estradiol receptors found in the heart, brain, bones, joints, skin, eyes, teeth, gums, nerves, blood vessels, urinary tract, reproductive organs, and more. So, with estradiol depletion, a woman suffers the loss in countless ways, with deterioration of physical, mental, and emotional health that accompanies hormonal decline. Typically, a woman’s estradiol level starts to decline in her 40’s, and is almost undetectable by her early 50’s.
Estradiol replacement therapy relieves symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, brain fog, moodiness, depression, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, low libido, dry skin, and headaches. Health benefits from non-oral estradiol supplementation include reduced risk of cardiac disease and stroke, dementia, diabetes, and loss of bone density leading to osteoporosis.
Weight Management
Are you ready to embark on a journey to a healthier, more vibrant you? Our weight management program is designed to help you achieve your goals. We understand that everyone's body and lifestyle are unique, which is why we create plans tailored to you. With our team of medical professionals, you will have the guidance and support you need every step of the way.
Starting at $399 for 10 weeks
Starting at $299 for 6 weeks

IV Therapy
Feel revitalized, re-energized, and ready to conquer your day with just one simple treatment! IV therapy is the key to unlocking your optimal health and wellness. Unlike traditional oral supplements that lose potency through digestion, IV therapy delivers essential vitamins, minerals, and hydration directly into your bloodstream for immediate and maximum absorption. Our professional and passionate medical team ensures a safe, comfortable, and relaxing environment. Experience the future of wellness today with IV therapy!
Starting at $200
NAD+ helps your body rebuild and repair cells. Can be beneficial for joint and muscle pain, stimulating sirtuins (proteins), which have anti-inflammatory properties, stabilizing hormones, improving mood, and increasing metabolism. Also can be beneficial for better sleep, mental clarity, focus, energy, and regulation of dopamine and serotonin levels.
High dose Vitamin C IV infusion can give your body a boost in you immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health.
Hydration IV delivers fluids, electrolytes, and other nutrients directly into the vein. This helps rehydrate the body ad prevents dehydration.
IV fluid bypass the digestive system, allowing the body to absorb nutrients more quickly.
Wellness IV delivers a cocktail of fluids, essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
Get a quick energy boost with some B12!
$25/injection or
$100 for 5 injections
Item description
NAD + nasal spray delivery ensures quick absorption for immediate benefits of cellular energy, cognitive function, and a host other health benefits.
Mobile IV
Mobile IV
Need us to come to you? Pick any one of our IV Therapies for your mobile IV! This is ideal for rehydration & a pick me up after your celebration!

Basic Health Profile
A CBC measures multiple components of your blood to help identify bleeding disorders or infections and to evaluate abnormal levels of specific blood components, such as low levels red blood cells, which transports oxygen to body cells and tissues (anemia) and high levels of white blood cells that crowd out red blood cells and platelets (leukemia).
A CMP is a broad screening tool that assesses 14 different substances to evaluate sugar (glucose) levels, kidney function, liver function, and electrolyte imbalance. This panel of tests is often used by healthcare professionals to detect and monitor various abnormalities, including nutrient balance, diabetes, and kidney and liver disease.
A cholesterol panel measures fatty substances used as energy by the body, including cholesterol and triglycerides. Abnormally high levels can build up in the blood and increase your risk for heart disease or stroke. This panel of tests measures total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and triglycerides.
A urinalysis, also called a urine panel, consists of a series of tests used to evaluate visual, chemical, and microscopic features of the urine. Urinalysis may be used to identify potential risks for diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease.
Thyroid function tests measures thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels in the blood to evaluate the thyroid function, which is critical for regulating weight, energy, body temperature, mood, and overall health. If your TSH levels are abnormally high or low, this may indicate that your thyroid is underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism).
Your Basic Health Profile contains tests that will provide basic information about your health— all for just $129.99.
Tests included: